Eco Solutions
Our Solution to Your Situations
The New Platform Era
As the contemporary business environment relies on digital platforms in all areas, including logistics, services, culture, and education, digital platform-based businesses can now dominate the current market.
An Intensified Market Competition
2016 & 2020 Total media ad spending
Media Marketing Business
Media marketing continues to grow more than 7% annually, forming a mega-market exceeding $250 billion.
Structural Changes in the Marketing Business
The proportion of digital marketing through platforms and social media accounts for more than 55% of the total market.
Marketing Business Outlook
More investment for digital marketing is required to gain opportunities to access current and prospective customers.
Elevating Marketing Expenses
Fierce competition in the marketing business urges most business firms to spend 12.6% of their total sales for marketing expenses.
Increasing the burden to small business
The sky-rocketing marketing expenses put a high burden on small business owners in a rapidly changing environment.
Eco-Platform's Solution for You.
Ecoimaging always bears in mind the burden of small business owners on digital platform marketing. Now, Ecoimaging proudly introduces a new marketing platform, “Eco-Platform,” innovatively designed to address current problems of enormous expenditures, yet a high chance of failure amid the intensifying competition environment. Eco-Platform’s efficiency and convenience will become the best partner for your flourishing business. Ecoimaging, a new neighbor of small business owners, seeks to march forward together with the local community.